Labor of Love ~ Vineyard Vignette

In 2016, Bob and Belinda embarked on an ambitious adventure, planting a vineyard from the ground up. Despite still working full time, we embraced the challenge with gusto, propelled by Bob's creativity, fertile mind, and a shared passion for wine.

The vineyard quickly transformed into our sanctuary, offering a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Caring for the vibrant grapevines and witnessing their seasonal transitions allowed us to connect with nature and the beauty of the surrounding landscape which we love. 

We feel our vineyard is more than a patch of land with grapevines; it's a living testament to the power of creativity, passion, and the love we share. It has become a symbol of the beauty that emerges when one combines hard work with a genuine love for what they do. 

Now retired, we have come to appreciate life as a journey of endless possibilities. Our open-air tasting area stands as a testament to the truth that age is merely a number, and that with desire and determination, one can manifest something truly remarkable.

In Vino Veritas,

Bob & Belinda